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mootools get data of child element of li?

I am trying to get some information of a child element of an li using mootools, essentially my html looks like this,

<li><a href="/home" id="home" class="nav-link">Home</a></li>

I am wanting to be able get the id, class and href of the a tag using mootools, so far my javascript looks similar to this,

element.addEvent('click', function(){
    var myStyles = ['nostar', 'onestar', 'twostar', 'threestar', 'fourstar', 'fivestar', 'sixstar', 'sevenstar', 'eightstar', 'ninestar', 'tenstar'];
    myStyles.each(function(myStyle, index){
        if(index == element.id){

            var req = new Request({
                url: '/recipes/save',
                data: {'rating' : element.id},
                onRequest: function(){ alert('Request made. Please wait...');},
                onComplete:function(response){ alert('Response:' + response);}
            alert('Clicked '+element.id);



The final alert in the script is my attempt to the child of the li(element) and its href.

This statement of yours is incorrect if(index == element.id){ ... , index is always a number, you need to replace it with myStyle . Proof: http://jsfiddle.net/fJDZJ/

After that just do a el.get('id') , el.get('href') and el.get('class') ;

Or el.getElement('a').get('id'); if you need to get the ID of the child A.

All these properties are exposed natively as:


If element contains a reference to the <li> DOM object, you can get the child <a> and all three properties as:

var anchor = $$("li").getFirst("a");

Or as Oskar says, if you don't want to worry about cross-browser issues, a better alternative is to use the get method in Element/Elements to retrieve these:


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