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MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 - onChange event error

I have an onChange event that keeps bringing up the error below whenever I preview it.

'Object doesnt support this property or method'

I have the onChange event associated with a picklist and when a specific option is selected another field is unhidden.

The code is below:


//If How did you hear about us is set to event show the Source Event lookup
crmForm.SourceEvent = function SourceEvent() 
if (crmForm.all.gcs_howdidyouhearaboutus.DataValue == 5)
crmForm.all.gcs_sourceeventid_c.style.display = '' ;
crmForm.all.gcs_sourceeventid_d.style.display = '' ;
crmForm.all.gcs_sourceeventid_c.style.display = 'none' ;
crmForm.all.gcs_sourceeventid_d.style.display = 'none' ;
crmForm.SourceEvent() ;


crmForm.SourceEvent() ;

Would be great if someone could let me know why this error is showing up?

Also, this has happened on a few onChange events on the form preview but once published onto the live system it does not error. Any ideas?

Thank you


It probably means that either form elements with the "id" values you expect don't actually exist, or that you've used an "id" value more than once.

Also: that way of accessing elements will only work in IE. Maybe that's what you want, but you can make it work in other browsers by using document.getElementById()

Overriding SourceEvent is not the supported way of doing that...

You should probably use the fire the OnChange event in the form load using (if (crmForm.all.yourLookup) { crmForm.all.yourLookup.FireOnChange();} and in the field's javascript onChange event write something like

var displayStyle = (crmForm.all.cf_picklist.DataValue == "3") ? "none" : "";
crmForm.all.cf_lookupid_d.style.display = displayStyle;
crmForm.all.cf_lookupid_c.style.display = displayStyle;

note that changing the Display CSS element is not supported, but it's the only way of doing that, without writing your own ASPX page.

ref: http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/31267662/hide-lookup-based-on-pick.aspx

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