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ASP.Net : Need to run javascript on update panel load completed

I need to run a javascript function when the update panel is loaded completely(I want to scroll), and not on initial page load.

Please suggest.


This is the way to get the end Event after the update.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

    function EndRequest(sender, args) {


<script type="text/javascript">
  var app = Sys.Application;

  function ApplicationInit(sender) {
    var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
    if (!prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack())

  function PageLoaded(sender, args) {
    //Do something


If you are using AJAX then the only way i have found yet to give an alert to a user on return to the Asynchronous post back is to add an “end request” handler to the PageRequestManager.

In this way you can tell the request manager to run a javascript function on returning from a Asynchronous post back event of AJAX.

Code for doing this is :

function load()


where “EndRequestHandler” will be the name of your javascript function you want to call. Call the above function in Onload event of tag:

<body onload=”load()”>

function EndRequestHandler()


          alert(“You record has been saved successfully”);


Now If you want to give a different message based on your logic in server side code (code behind) then you can use a server side Hidden Field:

<input id=”hdnValue” type=”hidden” runat=”server”  value=”" />

Set its value in server side code on Asychronous Post Back:

Protected Sub btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateSample.Click

    If condition Then

    hdnValue.value = “do this”


    hdnValue.value = “do that” 

    End If 

End Sub

Now you can check the value of this Hidden Field in your Client Side EndRequestHandler function and give a different alert to user based on its value:

function EndRequestHandler()
     if (document.getElementById(‘<%= hdnValue.ClientID %>’).value == “do this”)

          alert(“You record has been saved successfully”);
          alert(“There is an error”);

you can use below code with if jquery is used

This is to show saved message and hide that message after 5 seconds after update panel is updated

function pageLoad() {
        function EndRequestHandler()
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                var label = window.$get('<%= lblMsg.ClientID%>');
                if (label != null) { label.style.display = 'none'; }
            }, 5000);

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