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Silverlight XAML databinding to a field

in the following code,

<riaControls:DomainDataSource AutoLoad="False" d:DesignData="{d:DesignInstance my:V_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValues, CreateList=true}" Height="0" LoadedData="v_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValuesDomainDataSource_LoadedData" Name="v_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValuesDomainDataSource" QueryName="GetV_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValuesQuery" Width="0">
                <my:DomainServiceFinanceCalculatorDefaultValues />
                <riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="modelId" Value="{Binding ElementName=modelIdTextBox, Path=Text}" />

how do I set the value of the parameter to a field in the associated C# class?

public int SelectedModelUcConfigurator;

I tried something like this

 <riaControls:Parameter ParameterName="modelId" Value="{Binding ElementName=this, Path=SelectedModelUcConfigurator}" />

I realize this is something simple, but I'm new to WPF ... :-)


Try make a readonly property for SelectedModelUcConfigurator and bind to the property.

private int _selectedModelUcConfigurator; 

public int SelectedModelUcConfigurator
get { return _selectedModelUcConfigurator; } 

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