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Unzipping larger files with PHP

I'm trying to unzip a 14MB archive with PHP with code like this:

    $zip = zip_open("c:\kosmas.zip");
    while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
    $fp = fopen("c:/unzip/import.xml", "w");
    if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
     $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));

It fails on my localhost with 128MB memory limit with the classic " Allowed memory size of blablabla bytes exhausted ". On the server, I've got 16MB limit, is there a better way to do this so that I could fit into this limit? I don't see why this has to allocate more than 128MB of memory. Thanks in advance.

Solution: I started reading the files in 10Kb chunks, problem solved with peak memory usage arnoud 1.5MB.

        $filename = 'c:\kosmas.zip';
        $archive = zip_open($filename);
        while($entry = zip_read($archive)){
            $size = zip_entry_filesize($entry);
            $name = zip_entry_name($entry);
            $unzipped = fopen('c:/unzip/'.$name,'wb');
            while($size > 0){
                $chunkSize = ($size > 10240) ? 10240 : $size;
                $size -= $chunkSize;
                $chunk = zip_entry_read($entry, $chunkSize);
                if($chunk !== false) fwrite($unzipped, $chunk);


Why do you read the whole file at once?

 $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));

Try to read small chunks of it and writing them to a file.


function my_unzip($full_pathname){

    $unzipped_content = '';
    $zd = gzopen($full_pathname, "r");

    while ($zip_file = gzread($zd, 10000000)){
        $unzipped_content.= $zip_file;


    return $unzipped_content;


For a file of that size, perhaps it is better if you use shell_exec() instead:

shell_exec('unzip archive.zip -d /destination_path');

PHP must not be running in safe mode and you must have access to both shell_exec and unzip for this method to work.

Update :

Given that command line tools are not available, all I can think of is to create a script and send the file to a remote server where command line tools are available, extract the file and download the contents.

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