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svn: copy branch to trunk

I have an SVN project with a branch I'm working on, and an empty trunk:

      {there's stuff here}

How can I copy the contents of mybranch into the trunk? TortoiseSVN complains that there's already a trunk directory. I could delete the (empty) trunk from the repository and then do a copy, but that seems wrong somehow...

clarification: I have a trunk which I intentionally left empty. My "mybranch" is all checked in. In the repo-browser, TortoiseSVN gives me a "copy" option but not a merge option.

If merging is the right thing to do, what do I do? Do I check out the empty trunk and then merge into that working copy, then check back in?

update: Merge won't work either; SVN complains the two "branches" ( branches/mybranch and trunk ) are not ancestrally related.

I'd do what you mentioned, delete the trunk and then copy the branch. It is a little wrong, but it's because you didn't copy to make the branch in the first place.

You can do an svn export to the trunk folder and then add and commit.

or... you can merge with the --ignore-ancestry flag

Generally, you merge a branch into the trunk. The branch usually represents a feature you've branched off for separate development, or because it could break your functionality if not finished. Move and copy are different operations from merge.

您可能正在寻找svn mergehttp : //svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch04s04.html

I have just done it in my project. we can do a simple folder copy like operation:

  1. rename trunk to trunk_temp.
  2. copy tag to trunk

Both the operations could be done using eclipse plugin. Open svn repository perspective in eclipse. 4. Right click on trunk and choose Team >> Refactor >> Rename to >> type trunk_temp.
5. Right click on Tag >> Choose Refactor >> Copy To >> choose the project directory one level up to trunk. you will have option to provide name of the new directory and type in trunk. That's all.

Final result will be:

  1. existing trunk is renamed to trunk_temp. you can also create a branch.
  2. the tag is copied over to trunk
  3. delete the trunk_temp if you created a branch.

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