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html indenting in vim

I don't know if this is possible, but does anyone know of an indent script that will support this scenario?

(| is cursor)



if I press enter, I want to see


instead of


delimitMate will take care of this for you. You will however, need two additional settings...

add the >:< pair to the list of html files:

au FileType html let delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},>:<"

and tell it what pattern you'd like to add after inserting a

au FileType html let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>\<CR>\<Up>\<Tab>"

(this will, instead of inserting two a , insert two s, press up, then insert a tab)

Ended up going with brian Carpers answer, only modified very slightly

"fancy html indenting
function! NewlineInTag()
    let lnum = getline('.')
    let cnum = col('.')

    let chars = strpart(lnum, cnum - 2, 3)
    if chars =~ '></'
        return "\<CR>\<ESC>\<UP>$o"
        return "\<CR>"

autocmd FileType eruby,html imap <CR> <C-R>=NewlineInTag()<CR>

You could do something like this:

function! NewlineInTag()
    let lnum = getline('.')
    let cnum = col('.')

    let chars = strpart(lnum, cnum - 2, 2)
    if chars =~ '><'
        return "\<CR>\<ESC>\<UP>$o"
        return "\<CR>"

imap <CR> <C-R>=NewlineInTag()<CR>

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