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javascript settimeout cleartimeout routine syntax

This is the code from another thread. It activates a function only when the user has stopped typing after a set time.

var keyupTimer;
function keyUpEvent(){
   keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput,1000); // will activate when the user has stopped typing for 1 second

function sendInput(){
    alert("Do AJAX request");

It works as is. But why does it stop working if I put parenthesis to try to pass variables in this line:

keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput,1000); //original code


keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput(),1000); //with just empty ()


keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput(var),1000);//or with ('test') or with (var)

with the parenthesis, the delay does not occur and the sendInput function is called immediately. Is this the only format for this particular routine?


keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput,1000); //original code

This says "Run sendInput after 1000ms";

keyupTimer = setTimeout(sendInput(),1000); //with just empty ()

This says "Run sendInput, capture the return value (which should be a function) and run that after 1000ms".

sendInput is a function, sendInput() is a function call .

The first argument for setTimeout is a function reference (ie a variable that points to your function). What you provided is a function call. To pass a function with arguments, wrap the function call in an anonymous function. You can pass it directly to setTimeout as an argument since JavaScript functions are first-class objects.

keyupTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);

In more verbose, that equals to this:

var callback = function() {
keyupTimer = setTimeout(callback, 1000);

The inline pattern has its advantage that it has access to the scope where the setTimeout is called.

If it fits better to you, you could even create a callback factory to pass a function call to setTimeout as @slebetman pointed out.

function callbackFactory (var) {
    return function() {
setTimeout(callbackFactory('some_value'), 1000);

you can try

keyupTimer = setTimeout(function()

so have an anonymous function as parameter for 'setTimeout'

it is also possible to use a string containing javascript code, as a first argument to setTimeout . however, it is strongly discouraged (see comments)

/* DON'T DO THIS: */
keyupTimer = setTimeout("sendInput(variable)", 1000) 

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