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Exporting R tables to HTML

Is there a way to easily export R tables to a simple HTML page?

The xtable function in the xtable package can export R tables to HTML tables. This blog entry describes how you can create HTML pages from Sweave documents.

It might be worth mentioning that there has been a new package specifically designed to convert (and style with css) data.frames (or tables) into HTML tables in an easy and intuitive way. It is called tableHTML . You can see a simple example below:

#create an html table 

#and to export in a file
write_tableHTML(tableHTML(mtcars), file = 'myfile.html')

You can see a detailed tutorial here as well.

Apart from xtable mentioned by @nullglob there are three more packages that might come handy here:

The grammar of tables package gt is also an option.

Here's the example from the docs for generating a HTML table:


tab_html <-
  gtcars %>%
  dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>%
  dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
    subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
  ) %>%

In an issue for the DT package, someone posted how to use the DT package to get html in tables . I've pasted the relevant example code, modifying it to reference all columns with: targets = "_all" .


render <- c(
  "function(data, type, row){",
  "  if(type === 'sort'){",
  "    var parser = new DOMParser();",
  "    var doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');",
  "    data = doc.querySelector('a').innerText;",
  "  }",
  "  return data;",

dat <- data.frame(
  a = c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC"), 
  b = c(
    '<a href="#" id = "Z" onclick = "Ztest">aaaaa</a>', 
    '<a href="#" id = "A" onclick = "Atest">bbbbb</a>',
    '<a href="#" id = "J" onclick = "Jtest">jjjjj</a>'

  escape = FALSE,
  options = list(
    columnDefs = list(
      list(targets = "_all", render = JS(render))

I hope this helps.

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