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Better way of comparing two lists with LINQ?

I have the 2 collections:

IEnumerable<Element> allElements
List<ElementId> someElements, 

What is a concise way of doing the following together:

[1] Verifying that all elements in someElements exist in allElements , return quickly when condition fails.


[2] Obtain a list of Element objects that List<ElementId> someElements maps to.

Every Element object has an ElementId

Thank you.

I would do this:

var map = allElements.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);    
if (!someElements.All(id => map.ContainsKey(id))
    // Return early
var list = someElements.Select(x => map[x])

Note that the first line will throw an exception if there are any duplicates in allElements .

  1. someElements.All(e => allElements.Contains(e));
  2. allElements.Where(e => someElements.Contains(e.ElementId));

Not as efficient as the Skeet answer, but good enough for reasonable-sized collections:

IEnumerable<Element> allElements = new List<Element>
    { new Element { Id = 1 }, new Element { Id = 2 } };
List<int> someElements = new List<int> { 1, 2 };

var query =
    (from element in allElements
    join id in someElements on element.Id equals id
    select element)

if (query.Count != someElements.Count)
    Console.WriteLine("Not all items found.");

foreach (var element in query)
    Console.WriteLine ("Found: " + element.Id);

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