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How to generate a XML from XML in jQuery (Javascript)?

I'm trying to generate a XML from client side XML according to this link. But it isn't work. Here is my js code:

// XML Builder
$.createElement = function(name)
    return $('<'+name+' />');

$.fn.appendNewElement = function(name)
        $(this).append('<'+name+' />');
    return this;


function generateXMLFromXML(id)
    var $root = $('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>');

        $('row').append (
    console.log($.isXMLDoc($root)); // return false

You will want to use the DOM instead of jQuery for making the XML document. The best way to create a document is document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null) . If you're just trying to parse a string to an XML document object, look into DOMParser (specifically, (new DOMParser).parseFromString(xmlDocString, "application/xml") ).

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