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Get the last insert id with doctrine 2?

How can I get the last insert id with doctrine 2 ORM? I didn't find this in the documentation of doctrine, is this even possible?

I had to use this after the flush to get the last insert id:


You can access the id after calling the persist and flush methods of the entity manager.

$widgetEntity = new WidgetEntity();

You must call flush in order to get this id.

If you're not using entities but Native SQL as shown here then you might want to get the last inserted id as shown below:


For databases with sequences such as PostgreSQL please note that you can provide the sequence name as the first parameter of the lastInsertId method.

$entityManager->getConnection()->lastInsertId($seqName = 'my_sequence')

For more information take a look at the code on GitHub here and here .

Calling flush() can potentially add lots of new entities, so there isnt really the notion of "lastInsertId". However Doctrine will populate the identity fields whenever one is generated, so accessing the id field after calling flush will always contain the ID of a newly "persisted" entity.

A bit late to answer the question. But,

If it's a MySQL database

should $doctrine_record_object->id work if AUTO_INCREMENT is defined in database and in your table definition.

Here i post my code, after i have pushed myself for one working day to find this solution.

Function to get the last saved record :

private function getLastId($query) {
        $conn = $this->getDoctrine()->getConnection();
        $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
        $lastId = $stmt->fetch()['id'];
        return $lastId;

Another Function which call the above function

private function clientNum() {
        $lastId = $this->getLastId("SELECT id FROM client ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
        $noClient = 'C' . sprintf("%06d", $lastId + 1); // C000002 if the last record ID is 1
        return $noClient;

更简单: SELECT max(id) FROM client

In my case, as I declared $id as private I just created a new public method to get it.

public function getId() {
 return $this->id;

So then I could call it like so

    $user = new User();
    $user->setUsername("Kylo Ren");
    $entityManager = getEntityManager();
    echo "Created User with ID " . $user->getId() . "\n";

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