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How to undo an -R status (marked for deletion) in SVN

I'm trying to add a_folder to SVN but I accidentally scheduled my root directory for deletion:

[phil@sessions www]$svn status
R      .
A      a_folder

I can't commit a_folder's adding because...

[phil@sessions www]$ svn commit a_folder-m "adding"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: '/home/phil/www' is not under version control and is not part of the commit, yet its child '/home/phil/www/a_folder' is part of the commit

If I try "svn add ." I get "www is already under version control". How can I remove this status so that I can go on with my life?

svn revert .

My problem was in a single folder, so I resolve in this way:

cd Project
svn revert Folder
cd Folder
svn add --force .
cd .. && svn commit -m "resolved svn inconsistency"

Here a usefull link with the list of all status.

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