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Ajax.Request doesn't work in IE

I using prototype javascript

I am using ajax function which works perfectly in FF but not in IE

var MOList_VenuePostBox;

function getPreSearch(tid,tname){

include_js("http://" + getHostPath() + "/_scripts/lib/z_autocomplete_messagecenter.js",
function() {
        MOList_VenuePostBox = new MOList('txtTagTheItem_VenueProfile', 'molist-auto1'); 
        var counter = 0;

        // fetch and feed
        new Ajax.Request('/_service/getTagwordsByName.ashx', {
            onSuccess: function(transport) {

Thanks in advance

I just passed method as get

it solved my problem

include_js("http://" + getHostPath() + "/_scripts/lib/z_autocomplete_messagecenter.js", 
function() { 
    MOList_VenuePostBox = new MOList('txtTagTheItem_VenueProfile', 'molist-auto1');  
    var counter = 0; 

    // fetch and feed 
    new Ajax.Request('/_service/getTagwordsByName.ashx', { 
        onSuccess: function(transport) { 

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