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How to save XML using PHP

Anyone know how I can create and save XML using PHP? I need something like this:

  <track source="" artist="" album="" title="" />
  <track source="" artist="" album="" title="" />
  <track source="" artist="" album="" title="" />
  <track source="" artist="" album="" title="" />

This is probably what you are looking for.

    //Creates XML string and XML document using the DOM 
    $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 

    //add root
    $root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('Root'));

    //add NodeA element to Root
    $nodeA = $dom->createElement('NodeA');

    // Appending attr1 and attr2 to the NodeA element
    $attr = $dom->createAttribute('attr1');
    $attr->appendChild($dom->createTextNode('some text'));
** insert more nodes

    $dom->formatOutput = true; // set the formatOutput attribute of domDocument to true

    // save XML as string or file 
    $test1 = $dom->saveXML(); // put string in test1
    $dom->save('test1.xml'); // save as file

For more information, have a look at the DOM Documentation .

To do what you want:

    //Creates XML string and XML document using the DOM 
    $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); 

    //add root == jukebox
    $jukebox = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('jukebox'));

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrayWithTracks); $i++) {

        //add track element to jukebox
        $track = $dom->createElement('track');

        // Appending attributes to track
        $attr = $dom->createAttribute('source');
        $attr = $dom->createAttribute('artist');
        $attr = $dom->createAttribute('album');
        $attr = $dom->createAttribute('title');

    $dom->formatOutput = true; // set the formatOutput attribute of domDocument to true

    // save XML as string or file 
    $test1 = $dom->saveXML(); // put string in test1
    $dom->save('test1.xml'); // save as file


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