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Ruby on Rails: How do you make link_to_unless_current work with parameters?

I'm trying to do something like so:

link_to_unless_current "Inbox", messages_path(:inbox => true)

But, it seems that link_to_unless_current only works if I go to " http://localhost/messages " and not " http://localhost/messages?inbox=true " (ie it doesn't give a link for the latter which is correct, but it does for the former which is incorrect).

Any ideas on how to make:

link_to_unless_current "Inbox", messages_path(:inbox => true)

work correctly?


link_to_unless_current "Inbox", messages_path(:inbox => "true")

I'm not 100% sure (and I definitely would like to hear why) but I think if you try to pass in a boolean parameter that is true it gets ignored you need either a false boolean or any other things.

link_to_unless_current "Inbox", messages_path(:inbox => 1)

Or you could use routes

match "/messages/:folder" => "messages#index", :as => :messages_folder

and then

link_to_unless_current "Inbox", messages_folder_url(:folder => "Inbox")

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