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How do I improve performance of Core Data object insert on iPhone?

I'm trying to import a large amount of data into a core data store on the iPhone. I'm using a SQLite backing for the core data store. It seems to be taking way longer than I would expect it to. I've trimmed down the routines so that it is basically just attempting to a fetch an object (to see if it already exists) and then create a new object if it doesn't (they never do since I am importing data). The fetching isn't the time consuming part, though. It's the creation of the objects. Basically, the offending code is:

MobileObject *newObject = (MobileObject *)[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:objDesc inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];

I've noticed that on the simulator, it is fairly quick at the start with about 100 objects created a second. It slows down though and by the time five thousand objects are created it's almost 2 seconds for 100 objects and by the time ten thousand objects are created, it's 4 seconds per 100 objects. The whole group of 21000 objects takes more than 10 minutes. That is with all the actual useful code taken out (that's just a fetch and an object create). And it's much much slower on the actual device (by maybe 4 times as much).

What I don't understand is why core data starts off fast but then begins to slow down. I've tried both with index and no indexes on my data. I've tried creating my own autorelease pool which I periodically drain in my loop. I've tried saving after every object creation. I've tried waiting until the end to save. But no matter what I do, the performance still seems miserable. Is it just that slow to add a new object to a core data store with a few thousand objects in it? Any suggestions?

It can be quite speedy but it depends on what you are doing. As others have suggested you should be looking at Instruments and finding the actual hotspot. Also posting the actual import code would help to identify the issue.

I'm having this problem as well. I'm importing 100,000 simple objects from a remote data store, and have followed Apple's notes about importing in batches. The first few batches (of 2000 objects each) start off reasonably, and then the saves slow to a crawl.

I've partitioned the data further into batches of 50, and it was still slow. Instruments shows that saves are taking longer and longer each time. Not sure why, I'm creating a new context for each batch, and the undo manager is set to nil.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything useful to add to this conversation ... yet. Will update later.

Try using Instruments. Don't you save after inserting every single object? Actually, more insert-related code and scheme may be very useful.

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