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Capturing UITextView data in an NSString

替代文字 Hey all,

I am trying to accomplish something very simple yet getting an error and it's driving me nuts.

here is what I am doing:

Function 1:

-(id)initWithText:(NSString *)text1 :(NSString *)text2 :(NSString *)text3 :(NSString *)text4 :(NSString *)text5


here I do the assignment. I have not initialized the NSString date, projectName, task, duration and comment, but I don't see that causing any trouble.


 if ([text5 isEqualToString:@"Add Comment"]==TRUE || [text5 isEqualToString:@""]==TRUE) 
  comment=@"No Comment";

 else {

date, duration, task ,projectname, comment are all NSString type.

This function gets called in a different viewController using the statement:

Function1 Call:

[self.summaryViewController initWithText:self.dateDisplay.text :self.projectNameDisplay.text:self.taskDisplay.text:self.durationDisplay.text:commentText.text];

where dateDisplay, projectNameDisplay, taskDisplay, durationDisplay are all UILabels and commentText is a UITextView

now I try to save the values captured through the function into a database using another function.


-(void) insertValues:(NSString *)text1 :(NSString *)text2 :(NSString *)text3 :(NSString *)text4 :(NSString *)text5

 if([self openDB]==TRUE)

    NSString *sql  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO mastertable(_date,_projectName,_task,_duration,_comment,_status) VALUES ('%@','%@','%@','%@','%@','Pending');",text1, text2, text3, text4, text5];

    char *err;


  if(sqlite3_exec(database,[sql UTF8String], NULL, NULL, &err) !=SQLITE_OK)

    NSAssert(0, @"error inserting values into table");

    NSLog(@"Entry Made");




Function2 call:

[master insertValues:date :projectName :task :duration :comment];

My insert into table query, when printed in NSLog, throws up this:

INSERT INTO mastertable(_date,_projectName,_task,_duration,_comment,_status) VALUES (' Aug 26, 2010',' Staffing',' Mentoring',' 01:01',

'( > )'


I think it's because of the conversion of UITextView to NSString

Please help



Make sure the UITextField is properly initialized. Looks like it is pointing somewhere into memory.

@ tob,

Hey, tob I wrote the wrong code. Actually, I am not doing any casting; I am just initializing. And here is the code:

I have a UITextView commentText.text and I am extracting it's contents once the user feeds it to store it in NSString *str. NSString *str= commentText.text;

which is behaving horrendously. When I try retrieving the value stored in str i get weird messages like "CA Layer 1048w@#" and when I insert breakpoints to check it says variable not a CFString.

However, if I create another UITextView commentText2.text just like the first one and set its size to zero as I don't want it on my screen and I do this,


and pass commentText2.text as the argument for my insert query, the value gets saved in the database right and is retrieved right. Have I expressed myself?

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