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Only one ajax call, wait until success until next click


if you mean what I think you mean, then as soon as the button is clicked you'd disable the button in your ajax function (before you get to the actual making of an http request). Then once your ajax call is complete your onreadystate function would re-enable it.

to disable a button, if it has an id.

document.getElementById("theidofthebutton").enabled = false;

to re enable it...

document.getElementById("theidofthebutton").enabled = true;

Edit: I see you're refering to a link not a button. I could be wrong but I think you can still disable in the same way.

One simple solution is to add a class to the link when the user clicks, and remove the class when the response is received.

Each click of the link checks to see if the pending class exists, and only sends the AJAX request if not.

Then the complete: callback removes the pending class.

$('a.myLink').click(function() {
    var $th = $(this);
    if( !$th.hasClass('pending') ) {
          complete: function() {

Try using the jquery plugin BlockUI to block the user from clicking the link again. This can be done at the Element or Page level.

// unblock when ajax activity stops 

function test() { 
    $.ajax({ url: 'wait.php', cache: false }); 

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $('#pageDemo2').click(function() { 
        $('div.test').block({ message: '<h1><img src="busy.gif" /> Just a moment...</h1>' }); 

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