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How do I set a MysQL variable (time_zone) from within doctrine / symfony?

I would like to know how I can set the MySQL time zone to UTC ( SET time_zone = 'UTC' ) from within Symfony/Doctrine, so when I call a UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function on a DATETIME field in my query, it returns the UTC unix time and not unix time in the server's time zone.

How can I do this, either automatically upon every connection, or manually before these types of queries where the timezone makes a difference?

BTW, I need to do this conversion within the MySQL query and not the app so I can GROUP BY an interval that requires epoch time.

You can do this via the configureDoctrineConnection callbacks that gets called in ProjectConfiguration`:

public function configureDoctrineConnection(Doctrine_Connection $connection)
  $connection->exec('SET time_zone = "UTC"');

There may be issues with this if you're using multiple connections.

(Answer edited to remove additonal method that was flawed.)

I would try editing the projectConfiguration, and add something like (untested and unverified):

    $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
    $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'])->getConnection();
    $diff = $connection->execute("SET time_zone = 'UTC'");

Note, $options and $this->configuration is only available in a task, so maybe this should be hardcoded (I believe default is 'doctrine' ).

If you want to do this at the Symfony application level, the way is adding this to the config/settings.yml

    default_culture: en_US
    default_timezone: Asia/Kolkata

Sorry for the answer not on MySQL, but on Oracle DB . I searched for data on Oracle DB for a long time, but found nothing. This is the only topic that also discusses the problem, but only in MySQL.

Perhaps, someone will help, for Oracle DB:

In file config/services.yaml

For Symofony 4:

            - TIME_ZONE: 'UTC'
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postConnect }

For Symfony 2 and 3:

        class: Doctrine\DBAL\Event\Listeners\OracleSessionInit
            - TIME_ZONE: 'UTC'
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postConnect }

Or, you can write the arguments object to yaml as:

arguments: { TIME_ZONE: 'UTC' }

For MySQL 8 and Symfony 5, you can add the following to config/services.yaml

            - 'SET TIME_ZONE="+04:00"'
            - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postConnect }

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