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Setting initial value in the UIPicker

I have a number of UIPickers in my app. I have them setup that when the user taps on a text control, the picker appears and the user can select a value. That value is then displayed in the text field, but I want the text field to be populated with the initial value when UIPicker appears. At the moment the text field is not populated until the user physically moves the picker.


-(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
    if([pickerView isEqual: routePicker])
        route.text = [[routeArray objectAtIndex:row] valueForKey:@"route_name"];
    else if([pickerView isEqual: timePicker])
        if (component == 0)
            selectedHour = [hourArray objectAtIndex:row];
        else if (component == 1)
            selectedMinute = [minuteArray objectAtIndex:row];
        else if (component == 2)
            selectedSecond = [secondArray objectAtIndex:row];
        time.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@:%@", selectedHour, selectedMinute, selectedSecond];
    else if([pickerView isEqual: activityPicker])
        activity.text = [activityArray objectAtIndex:row];
    else if([pickerView isEqual: intensityPicker])
        intensity.text = [intensityArray objectAtIndex:row];

Regards, Stephen

on the textfield delegate method Before opening the picker

- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
  if(![intensity.text length])
   intensity.text = [intensityArray objectAtIndex:0];
// SAME FOR REMAINING textFields Based on the tag to get which textfield is selected


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