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How to highlight links in the div on mouseover

I have div with a few links spread out in the content. I would like to highlight all the links in the div onmouseover. Is there jquery solution that works in FF, IE and chrome.


How about no JavaScript?


.linkdiv a {
   color: blue;

.linkdiv:hover a {
   color: red;

I wanted to test this, but sadly jsfiddle isn't iPhone compatible :(



<div id='links'>
    This is simple text<br />
    <a href='#'>Link1<a/><br />
    <a href='#'>Link2<a/><br />
    <a href='#'>Link3<a/><br />


$('#links').live('mouseover', function(){
    $('#links > a').addClass('highlight');

$('#links').live('mouseout', function(){
    $('#links > a').removeClass('highlight');


.highlight {
 background-color : red;   

You can edit CSS part to highlight in your favorite style.

The Best Solution, As far as my concern =)

Markup :

<h1>CSS is cool! </h1>
<ul id="css">
    <li><a class="links" href="#"> Link1 </a></li>  
    <li><a class="links" href="#"> Link2 </a></li>  
    <li><a class="links" href="#"> Link3 </a></li>  
    <li><a class="links" href="#"> Link4 </a></li>


 #css li { margin:0px 5px;list-style:none; float:left;}
 #css .links { color :#0099f9; text-decoration:none;font:bold 20px Arial;}
 #css:hover a.links { color : #f0f;}

something like this (in your document ready) should do it!

$('#MyDiv').live('mouseenter', function(){
$('#MyDiv').live('mouseleave', function(){

Give all the links the same class and then do this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.someClass').hover(function() {
    $('.someClass').css('underline' : 'solid 1px #FFF');

If I remember correctly, you should be able to just do:

$('div selector').hover(function(e) {
function(e) {

I'd also suggest switching the explicit $.hover() call (just provided as an example) to use $.delegate() or $.live() .

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