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searching in solr for specific values with dismax

I'm using the dismax handler to perform solr search over records (boosting some fields).

In my index, I have a RetailerId for each document, as well as other fields.

My query needs to search for documents that have this RetailerId as well as keywords:

http://localhost:8983/solr/select?qt=dismax&q=RetailerId:(27 OR 92) AND socks

What is the syntax for such a query? Thanks!

Dismax does not support boolean operators. For a query like the one you described, you need to use the Standard Query Handler.


I have made a couple of tests and the fq parameter seems to work with dismax:
/select?qt=dismax&q=socks&fq=RetailerId:(27 OR 92)

如果你想通过facet过滤,那么用户eDismax(扩展的disMax)可以这样说,例如q= your query AND face_name:"facet value"

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