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Rails multi select defaults

I am working on a script that allows for an admin to assign multiple languages to a user.

I have my multi select working like so:

<%= fields_for :users_languages do |u| %>
        <div class="field">
        <%= @lang_list.inspect %>
            <%= u.label :Assign_Languages %><br />
            <%= select_tag :language_id, options_for_select(Language.all.collect {|lang| [lang.english, lang.id]}),:multiple => true, :prompt => 'Select Language' %>
    <% end %>

But when I go in to edit the user their languages are not showing up as auto selected. How would I go about doing this?

Figured it out by doing the following:


def edit
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    @users_langs = UsersLanguage.where("user_id = ?", params[:id])
    @lang_list = []

    @users_langs.each do |langs|
      @lang_list << langs.language_id

I created an array variable called @lang_list, which I then used in my view to tell my multi-select which fields to auto highlight.


<%= fields_for :users_languages do |u| %>
  <div class="field">
      <%= u.label :Assign_Languages %><br />
      <%= select_tag :language_id, options_for_select(Language.all.collect {|lang| [lang.english, lang.id]}, @lang_list),:multiple => true, :prompt => 'Select Language' %>
 <% end %>

Hope this helps someone!

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