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How to disable link button in a gridview

I have one grid view that contains some template columns. In this, the first column contains check boxes named as Read, fourth and fifth column contains asp:link button. If the user clicks on the read check box, both link buttons should be enabled (Initially it is in disabled mode). I used this JavaScript code for disabling. But i didn't get the solution. Please help me for acheiving this solution. Thanks in advance..

 function EnablePermissoin(chkB, cellNumber1, cellNumber2) {
        var IsChecked = chkB.checked;
        if (IsChecked) {

            var cell = chkB.parentElement.parentElement.cells[cellNumber1];
            for (i = 0; i < cell.childNodes.length; i++) {
                if (cell.childNodes[i].type == "linkbutton") {

                    cell.childNodes[i].disabled = false;

  <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Read" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
                                                                            <asp:CheckBox ID="chkRead" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Read") %>' onclick="javascript:EnablePermissoin(this,5,6);" />

Linkbutton is rendered as anchor (a) tag is java-script. So you need to modify part of your script as

    if (cell.childNodes[i].tagName == "A") {
          cell.childNodes[i].disabled = false;

You can try this is working fine.

Dim dgi1 As DataGridItem
            For Each dgi1 In dtupdatebatch.Items
                CType(dgi1.FindControl("Linkbutton1"), LinkButton).Enabled = False


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