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code duplication in javascript

Is there any tool to detect code duplication in JavaScript? I tried "PMD Duplicate code detector" but it is not supporting .js extension.

You can use JS Inspect it detects copy-pasted and structurally similar code, also supports *.js


npm install -g jsinspect


jsinspect -t 50 ./path/to/src

I would recommend JSCPD


npm install -g jscpd


jscpd ./path/to/code

(you have several type of reporters, default is console, but you can use html like this: jscpd -r html ./path/to/code )

Other solutions:

  • JSinspect wasn't good for me because didn't support .ts and .tsx (jscpd supports 150+ formats
  • InteliJ IDEs (I'm a big fan of them) don't seem to work since WebStorm found no duplicated code.

IDE can have this functionality. I use IntelliJ, this IDE has a built-in duplicate code checking mechanism at 2 scopes:

  • Inline: Duplicate codes are underlined when opened in editor so that developer can easily catch and do refactoring.
  • Analysis: Go to menu Analyze->Locate Duplicates.., specify scope to run through and list all duplications.

我建议看看这个线程(也在stackoverflow上): Javascript源代码分析(特别是复制检查)

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