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Issue with mvcContrib fluent route testing in asp.net mvc

I have an issue with testing routes using the MVCContrib Fluent route testing. The test fails yet the application recognises the routes.

Let me explain....

I have the following routes in my register (shown in order)

                new { controller = "PurchaseUnits", action = "Index", page = 1 },
                new { page = @"\d+" }

                new { controller = "PurchaseUnits", action = "Show" }

The routing pipeline correctly sends requests to Index for route 1 and Show for route 2.

However when I test the routing using the MVCContrib fluent classes I get a test fail for route 1.

The test is:

"~/PurchaseUnits/Page{page}".ShouldMapTo<PurchaseUnitsController>(x=> x.Index(1));

The test fails because the expectation is Index but the actual is Show .

Any ideas as to why the fluent classes aren't identifying the correct routing yet the mvc routing works in the actual application? Or failing that any suggestions about how I can tweak my test or routes to allow me to fully test?

Your test should be:

"~/PurchaseUnits/Page1".ShouldMapTo<PurchaseUnitsController>(x=> x.Index(1));

The url is ~/PurchaseUnits/Page1 and not ~/PurchaseUnits/Page{page} .

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