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mysqldump Fully Qualifies Triggers with Database Name

I'm am trying to use mysqldump to export a database which needs to be imported using a different database name. Looking at the SQL generated by mysqldump, it appears that triggers are the only object names which are fully-qualified with the source database name thus foiling my needs. Is there anyway to direct mysqldump to not fully-qualify any object names including triggers?

I had the same problem and I found the solution. I was using MySQL Workbench to design my database and I've created some triggers there. All of them used the syntax CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name except for one: CREATE TRIGGER dbname.trigger_name (it was just my mistake). Mysqldump output included all triggers in the same way: only one had database name.

Mysqldump uses your original CREATE TRIGGER instructions which you can see via SHOW CREATE TRIGGER . If you have a trigger defined with a database name, simply replace it (drop and create) with a one without dbname.

Most probably you add the database name when you create the trigger. Try updating your trigger without the database name in it.


mysqldump ... opts ... | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' 

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