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Using a Nested-Model form as a Partial on a different models's page

I have a nested model form for PhotoAlbums. The form works fine via the standard html. But what I need to do is render it as a partial in another page it's erroring: "No route matches

{:action=>"create", :controller=>"photo_albums"}" 

The models:

  has_many :photo_albums 
  belongs_to :project 
  has_many :photos 
  belongs_to :photo_album 
  def create 
    @project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) 
    @photoalbum = PhotoAlbum.create(params[:photo_album]) 

Here is the working form which loads and works find via HTML:

<% form_for [:project, @photoalbum], :html => { :multipart => true } 
do |f| %> 
        <div class="field"> 
        <%= f.label :title %><br /> 
                <%= f.text_field :title %> 
        <% f.fields_for :photos do |builder| %> 
                <% if builder.object.new_record? %> 
                        <%= builder.label :photo, "photo File" %> 
                        <%= builder.file_field :photo %> 
                <% end %> 
        <% end %> 
<% end %> 

The issue I'm having, is that to render this form as a partial in a view in another page. I'm using the following:

<% @photoalbum = PhotoAlbum.new %> 
<%= render :partial => "photo_albums/form",  :locals => 
{:photoalbum => @photoalbum}  %> 

I checked by Rake Routes, And I do have it there:

project_photo_albums POST /projects/:project_id/

{:controller=>"photo_albums", :action=>"create"} 

Thoughts? thank you

In your form you have:

form_for [:project, @photoalbum]

but it seems that your partial only gets the @photoalbum variable. What about the project variable?

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