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Solving systems of equations in R

Solving an equation symbolically can be achieved in R using the Ryacas library. For example

yacas("Solve(x/(1+x) == a, x)")


expression(list(x == a/(1 - a)))

Does anybody know how to (symbolically) solve a system of equations?

Thank you.

Well, i use the excellent python library, sympy , for symbolic computation.

Using sympy , solving systems of equations straightforward:

>>> from sympy import *
>>> x,y = symbols('x y')
>>> solve([Eq(x + 5*y, 2), Eq(-3*x + 6*y, 15)], [x, y])
{y: 1, x: -3}

So that's how to solve a system of equations using symbolic algebra, except through a python package.

The good news is that there's an R port to sympy, called rsympy , which is available on CRAN, or Google Code, here .

I have never used rsympy, other than downloading/installing it and working through a couple of the simplest examples in the rsympy Manual. I have used the original python library a lot during the past three years and i can recommend it highly.


yacas( "OldSolve({a*x+y==0,x+z==0},{x,y})" )

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