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Unable to invoke multiple browsers using JSTestDriver

Hi The JSTestDriver documentation say...

"Multiple browsers can be specified if separated by a comma ','. java -jar JsTestDriver.jar --port 9876 --browser firefoxpath,chromepath"

So far I can only open one browser. Lets say if I want to open IE and Chrome, the below command only opens IE.

C:\\libs>java -jar JsTestDriver.jar --port 9876 --browser "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe, C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"

Can anyone please help me?

have you try using the --captureConsole flag, so it'd look like this:

C:\\libs>java -jar JsTestDriver.jar --port 9876 --browser "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe, C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" --captureConsole

Keep in mind that in JSTD version 1.3.1 this does not seem to work ( http://code.google.com/p/js-test-driver/issues/detail?id=199&q=browser%20capture )... But in 1.2.2 that should work

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