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PrimeFaces and org.tuckey urlrewrite filter

I have a problem using JSF 2.0, PrimeFaces and the tuckey.org UrlRewriteFilter.

The problem is, that if i add a PrimeFaces-component (eg ), the page (or wherever exactly the resources are coming from) doesn't load the core.js where the PrimeFaces-object is defined. Accordingly, the component doesn't load.

The core.js-file is located within the primefaces-2.2.RC1.jar (which is within the WEB-INF/lib of the webapp) within the folder META-INF/resources/primefaces/core/core.js.

My urlrewrite-rules are the following:


I guess it's a problem with my rewrite-rules, but i just can't figure out what exactly goes wrong. What i would need would be the URL that is used by PrimeFaces to load the core.js file, so i can analyze what the problems with my rules.

Has anybody an idea how to solve this problem?

Thank you all for your advices :)

Best regards, Robert

Ok i just found the answer. It was definitely no problem with the urlrewrite filter. Instead, it was just a problem with my facelet-template.

the template used head and body tags instead of the JSF versions "h:head" and "h:body" and PrimeFaces requires the "h:head" tag to be present.

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