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Bind RenderTransform elements to code-behind variables

I'm following the answers given in this thread here: Access codebehind variable in XAML

Here's what I'm trying to do:

<Rectangle Name="MyRect" Fill="AliceBlue" MouseDown="Rectangle_MouseDown">
            <RotateTransform Angle="0" CenterX="300" CenterY="150"/>
            <TranslateTransform X="{DynamicResource TransX}" Y="0"/>

Then, I have a variable in my code behind which gets changed. It's called TransX and I add it as a resource:

public double TransX = 0;

public SvgPreview()
    SvgPreview1.Resources.Add("TransX", TransX);

The rectangle does get transformed properly from the start, however the transforms are not re-rendered to reflect changes in the TransX variable. What should I do?

Also, I have to do this exact same thing for several other values.

I think you should make SvgPreview implement INotifyPropertyChanged, set it as the DataContext of some parent of your Rectangle, and change TransX into a property and access it via DataBinding.

Edit: Like this:

<Rectangle Name="MyRect" Fill="AliceBlue" MouseDown="Rectangle_MouseDown"> 
            <RotateTransform Angle="0" CenterX="300" CenterY="150"/> 
            <TranslateTransform X="{Binding TransX}" Y="0"/> 

class SvgPreview : INotifyPropertyChanged
// ......
private double transX;
public double TransX
    get { return transX; }
        if(transX != value)
            transX = value;

public SvgPreview() 
    TransX = 0;

and in the CodeBehehind of the Windows/Page/Control that contains your Rectangle;

// ...
this.DataContext = new SvgPreview();
// ...

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