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how to get same sized launcher icons on different emulator skins…(android)

have a look at figure 2. in the link given below.. http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html ..

there it is being mentioned that ,The platform provides density independence to applications by default.(launcher icons are displayed at the same physical sizes, although screen sizes, aspect ratios, and densities are different.)

and showed with 3 emulator screens namely WVGA high density (left), HVGA medium density (center), and QVGA low density (right)...

i have created these 3 avd's and tested but the launcher icons are different in different emulator..can any one knows why it so and how should i get same sized launcher icons on those emulators...

you have 3 different drawable folder name drawable-mdpi/,drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi/ in your res/ folder and each of them have different size icon. if you want same size icon in each emulator then put the same size icon in all three folders.

Keep in mind that your monitor is of a fixed pixel density, while these various devices will have differing pixel density. That means the same number of pixels will be a different physical size on your monitor than it will be on an Android device (which will typically have much smaller pixels than your monitor).

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