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Using trackbar to adjust color filter of an image

I m trying to do wat my title above says however im there is no change on my pic when i scroll the trackbar. i noe there is sth missing in my code ... can anyone help me out with this ? greatly appreciate it.

private void SetTrackBarProp()
        trackBar1.Maximum = 255;
        trackBar1.Minimum = 0;
        trackBar1.TickFrequency = 1;

    private Bitmap ApplyRGBFilter(Bitmap pic2)
        ColorFiltering filter = new ColorFiltering();
        filter.Red = new IntRange(0, red);
        filter.Blue = new IntRange(0, blue);
        filter.Green = new IntRange(0, green);
        Bitmap processedImage = filter.Apply(pic2);
        return processedImage;

    void picturebox2(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

        pictureBox2.Image = ApplyRGBFilter(pic2);

    private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
        red = trackBar1.Value;

Above is just a snippet of my code on the filtering part, "pic2" is the image that i can browsed from my computer with the browse button i had in my application. pictureBox2 will be the place where my pic2 will appear. THANKS A LOT IN ADVANCE !

It is not clear that the header files for the ColorFiltering function. The only drawback of this Program is note of Header files.

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