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How to Gzip a javascript file?

179KB of jQuery is Minified and Gzipped to 26KB. I am trying to do the same compressions to my javascript files and found the Yuicompressor to Minify it. But I am still searching for a way to Gzip it.

How can I Gzip my Javascript files?

If you are using it in a webpage, gzip is a configuration method in your web server. The file is gzipped by the server, sent to the browser. No manual action is needed. For Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html .

If you are delivering the code to developers, you could use the gzip command.

You would use gzip , the GNU compression utility. Luckily, the gzip algorithm and file structure is implemented by numerous other tools, such as 7zip (for Windows). You can configure your server (via mod_deflate or others) to compress files on the fly, but for static content its a waste of CPU power.

Here is an article which shows how to transparently serve pre-compressed gzip to browsers which support it: http://blog.alien109.com/2009/03/17/gzip-your-javascript/

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