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VBA equivalent to Excel's mod function

Is there a vba equivalent to excel's mod function?

In vba the function is MOD. eg

 5 MOD 2

Here is a useful link .

You want the mod operator .

The expression a Mod b is equivalent to the following formula:

a - (b * (a \ b))

Edited to add:

There are some special cases you may have to consider, because Excel is using floating point math (and returns a float ), which the VBA function returns an integer. Because of this, using mod with floating-point numbers may require extra attention:

  • Excel's results may not correspond exactly with what you would predict; this is covered briefly here (see topmost answer) and at great length here .

  • As @André points out in the comments, negative numbers may round in the opposite direction from what you expect. The Fix() function he suggests is explained here (MSDN) .

My way to replicate Excel's MOD(a,b) in VBA is to use XLMod(a,b) in VBA where you include the function:

Function XLMod(a, b)
    ' This replicates the Excel MOD function
    XLMod = a - b * Int(a / b)
End Function

in your VBA Module

Be very careful with the Excel MOD(a,b) function and the VBA a Mod b operator. Excel returns a floating point result and VBA an integer.

In Excel =Mod(90.123,90) returns 0.123000000000005 instead of 0.123 In VBA 90.123 Mod 90 returns 0

They are certainly not equivalent!

Equivalent are: In Excel: =Round(Mod(90.123,90),3) returning 0.123 and In VBA: ((90.123 * 1000) Mod 90000)/1000 returning also 0.123

The Mod operator , is roughly equivalent to the MOD function :

number Mod divisor is roughly equivalent to MOD(number, divisor) .

The top answer is actually wrong.

The suggested equation: a - (b * (a \\ b))

Will solve to: a - a

Which is of course 0 in all cases.

The correct equation is:

a - (b * INT(a \\ b))

Or, if the number (a) can be negative, use this:

a - (b * FIX(a \\ b))

But if you just want to tell the difference between an odd iteration and an even iteration, this works just fine:

If i Mod 2 > 0 then 'this is an odd 
   'Do Something
Else 'it is even
   'Do Something Else
End If
Function Remainder(Dividend As Variant, Divisor As Variant) As Variant
    Remainder = Dividend - Divisor * Int(Dividend / Divisor)
End Function

This function always works and is the exact copy of the Excel function.

I've found this to be the most reliable if excel's mod function is also giving incorrect results:

Originally even XLMod = (a - (b * Int(a / b))) was giving me incorrect results so..

Function XLMod(a, b As Long)
' This replicates the Excel MOD function - the VBA mod function returns an integer

Dim templong As Long

  templong = (b * Int(a / b))
  XLMod = (a - templong)
End Function

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