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Can I use an anonymous type for this Linq grouping?

I have the following code which produces a dictionary containing multiple lists; each list can be retrieved with a numeric key.

public class myClass
    public string Group { get; set; }
    public int GroupIndex { get; set; }

public List<MyClass> myList { get; set; }

private Class IndexedGroup
    public int Index { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<MyClass> Children { get; set; }

public Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<MyClass>> GetIndexedGroups(string group)
    return myList.Where(a => a.Group == group)
                 .GroupBy(n => n.GroupIndex)
                 .Select(g => new IndexedGroup { Index = g.Key, Children = g })
                 .ToDictionary(key => key.Index, value => value.Children);

Is there any way to eliminate the IndexedGroup class?

I've tried using an anonymous type in the Select method, like this:

.Select(g => new { Index = g.Key, Children = g })

but I get a type conversion error.

Cast Children from IGrouping<T> to IEnumerable<T> , or explicitly pass generic parameters to the ToDictionary call.

The g parameter is an IGrouping<T> , which implements IEnumerable<T> .
The implicit generic calls end up creating a Dictionary<int, IGrouping <MyClass>> , which cannot be converted to a Dictionary<int, IEnumerable <MyClass>> .

This is avoided by your IndexedGroup class, since its Children property explicitly typed as IEnumerable<MyClass> .

For example:

  return myList.Where(a => a.Group == group) .GroupBy(n => n.GroupIndex) .ToDictionary<int, IEnumerable<MyClass>>(g => g.Key, g => g);

Also, you may be interested in the ILookup<TKey, TElement> interface .

You could just get rid of the Select() entirely and call .AsEnumerable() :

return myList.Where(a => a.Group == group)
             .GroupBy(n => n.GroupIndex)
             .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.AsEnumerable());

Or you could change your return type to an ILookup , which is basically the data structure you're going for:

public ILookup<int, MyClass> GetIndexedGroups(string group)
    return myList.Where(a => a.Group == group)
                .ToLookup(n => n.GroupIndex);                    

How about the following?

return myList.Where(a => a.Group == group)
             .GroupBy(n => n.GroupIndex)
             .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g as IEnumerable<MyClass>);

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