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setting up ssl on apache2

I'm having issues geting SSL running with apache2.

I've gone through a number of helpful articles:

  • enabled ssl (sudo a2ensmod ssl)
  • generated ssl certs
  • generated a self-signed certificate (this is for testing)
  • setup my default-ssl conf file
  • enabled the conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled as 000-default-ssl

     NameVirtualHost my.ipaddress <VirtualHost my.ipaddress:443> DocumentRoot /var/www SSLEngine on #SSLOptions +StrictRequire SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key ServerAdmin you@example.com ErrorLog /var/log/ssl_error_log TransferLog /var/log/ssl_access_log </VirtualHost> 

I generated a symbolic link in sites-enabled (000-default-ssl) to my default-ssl conf file in sites-available

I'm getting the following error in Firefox: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long My apache error log has a line: Invalid method in request \\x16\\x03

port 443 is open and listening because I can hit http://my.IP.Address:443 without errors.

So it looks like my server is listening to port 443, but it's serving up content unsecured (HTTP) which leads me to believe I've got an error in my VirtualHost conf but I can't find it.

Any suggestions?


NameVirtualHost my.i.p.address:443

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