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How can I take the user to a new page, along with some variables, using Javascript/jQuery, without causing a URI Too Large error?

Using Javascript/jQuery, I need to take the user to a new page when a button is clicked, and also send along a bunch of variables to the new page. At the moment I'm doing it like this:

location.href=window.location.href + '/new_note?id='+$('#note_id').val()+'&note_subnotes='+encodeURIComponent(window.JSON.stringify(sub_notes))

This works okay, but the problem is that sub_notes is an array of hashes, which can get pretty large. If I have more than a few hashes in the array, I get this error:

Request-URI Too Large

So obviously the URI is too big. How can I do this without running into this problem? Thanks for reading.

Use a cookie for your long string. Stock the data into a cookie, and get it on the next page.

You could send the data using POST or GET. I'd imagine post can handle much more data, with it being used to upload files and all.

Sending page:

var form = $('<form>')
    .attr('action', url)
    .attr('method', 'POST')
    .append($('<input type="hidden">')
            'id': 'data',
            'name': 'data',
            'value': JSON.stringify(data)

(hooray for jQuery chaining)

Receiving page (PHP required):

var data = <?php echo @$_POST['data'] or 'null' ?>

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