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Ruby on Rails: link_to not having appropriate ID

So, I got this error

Couldn't find MenuBar with ID=add_page_to_menu

But my code for the link that creates that error is as follows:

<%= link_to "add", 
              :controller => "admin/menu_bars", 
               :action => "add_page_to_menu", 
               :page => page.id,
               :menu => @menu_bar.id %>

The URL that I get the error on is


it should look something like example.com/admin/menu_bars/add_page_to_menu/1?menu=1&page=1 (I think, I could be wrong, seeing as how its not working =(

the corresponding action in the controller:

  def add_page_to_menu
    @menu_bar = MenuBar.find(params[:menu])
    @page = LinkPage.find(params[:page])

    @menu_bar.link_pages << @page
    if @menu_bar.save
      format.html { render :action => "edit" }
      format.html { render :action => "edit" }
      format.xml  { render :xml => @menu_bar.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }


 map.namespace "admin" do |admin|
    admin.root :controller => :site_prefs, :action => :index
    admin.resources :site_prefs
    admin.resources :link_pages
    admin.resources :menu_bars

Your route is going to eval to


so Rails is looking for a MenuBar with an ID of add_page_to_menu . You need to add a member method to the routes for your custom action. The routes should look like this:

map.namespace "admin" do |admin|
  admin.root :controller => :site_prefs, :action => :index
  admin.resources :site_prefs
  admin.resources :link_pages
  admin.resources :menu_bars, :member => { :add_page_to_menu => :get }

and the link_to should look something like this:

link_to("add", menu_bar_add_page_to_menu_path(@menu_bar, :page => @page.id)

and the url produced should look something like this:


There's still some optimization to be done in that, but I think it will get you beyond this issue at least.

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