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How to open a Hyperlink in WebBrowser control in windows phone 7?

I have a Hyperlink button and web browser as below

<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="{Binding Path=Link}" 
                 Content="{Binding Path=Title}" TargetName="webBrowser1"/>
<phone:WebBrowser Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,0,0,12"  
                  Name="webBrowser1" Width="456" Visibility="Collapsed" 
                  Navigated="webBrowser1_Navigated" />

I want to open the link in web browser when i click on Hyperlink button.But when i click on Hyperlink button the webpage is opening in a new page ,i want it to open in webbrowser control of same page .Please help.
Thanks in advance

Add a handler to the click event of the HyperlinkButton.

In that event handler, call Navigate() on the WebBrowser control (passing the appropriate path).

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