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Refresh parent window after closing a popup window

I am opening a popup window from X.jsp and the popup is represented by Y.jsp. The second jsp has a button. What I would like to do is to refresh the parent page (the one that launches the popup) once this button is hit. The Save button below will call a method in the backing bean "copyScriptForVersion" and I close the popup on button click. How could I also refresh the parent window after closing the popup?

 <h:commandButton type="submit" value="Save" action="#{copyScriptForVersion.SaveAction}" onclick="window.close()"/>

I tried adding window.opener.reload() like this onclick="window.close(); window.opener.reload();", but that didn't work.

I also tried adding the following body onUnLoad="window.opener.location.reload(1);">

But, I got "window.opener.location is null or not an object" error.

First of all, you should do window.close() as a LAST action in the onClick handler. Otherwise, it's possible it will never get executed.

Second, if reload() doesn't work, try:

window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href; window.close();

Please note that this may cause problems if the parent page was produced as a result of POSTing a form.

Try this it may help other as well,,

`new = window.open(url);
        check = setInterval(function() {
            if (new.closed) {
            }}, 1000);`

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