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PrimeFaces commandButton doesn't navigate or update

I'am using Primefaces to make my app a little bit more beautiful. I noticed that p:commandButton and h:commandButton don't work the same way.

The p:commandButton calls the method and nothing else hapens. The h:commandButton calls the method and returns a navigation.

I have got trouble with redirecting after pressing the login button when using p:commandButton . How to deal with that?

I do have an update parameter:

<p:commandButton value="Login" action="#{login.login}" type="submit" update="msgs" />

<p:commandButton> needs one of the following to work correctly:

  • the update attribute to list id's of components to re-render (for AJAX requests)
  • the attribute ajax="false" to make a normal, non-ajax submit.

If you have neither, the button does per default an AJAX request with no UI feedback.

Additionally, I've had problems with neither option working when the surrounding <h:form> had an enctype attribute.

I think what Cagatay ment was:

Does not navigate the page:

<p:commandButton action="home.xhtml" value="Go Home"/>

Works (redirects the page):

<p:commandButton action="home.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" value="Go Home"/>

Works (redirects the page)

<p:commandButton action="home?faces-redirect=true" value="Go Home"/>

if .xhtml is your default postfix defined in web.xml:


More info can be found in the primefaces forum, for example in this discussion about navigation

I hope that helped a bit...

如果您正在进行导航并且请求是使用 ajax 完成的,则必须使用重定向。

I am having a similar problem.

I am using primefaces and primefaces mobile and the navigation fails in Firefox when using <p:commandButton> with ajax="false" and action="find.xhtml?faces-redirect=true".

The only way I could make it work also in Firefox was by using <h:commandButton> :

<h:commandButton value="#{msg.find}" process="find" 
                     action="find.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" />

none of the above solution worked for me. You can still go for simple javascript

<p:commandButton onclick="window.location.href =home.xhtml"
                    style="height: 20px" type="button" title="title" icon="ui-icon-transferthick-e-w"/>
                             styleClass="btn btn-primary-active upgrade" data-dismiss="modal" 
                             value="Upgrade Account" 
                             oncomplete="$('#freeGiftModal').hide();" process="@this" partialSubmit="true" immediate="true"/>

I used the commandbutton to navigate to profile page, and its working fine for me.

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