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Wordpress page navigation within posts

I have a page template in wordpress that only shows posts from a specific category with ID 972. I've limited it so that it displays 8 posts on the page. I was wondering if it would be possible to display page navigation at the bottom, so that I could go to the next post page ONLY from the posts with category ID 972. Is this possible?

EDIT: the post_nav_link(); function doesn't work for me...

Thanks! Amit

Ah, ok. My bad, interpreted that wrong.

I had this snippet floating around (not from me, no idea where I found it):

function pagination( $query, $baseURL )
    $page = $query->query_vars["paged"];
    if ( !$page ) $page = 1;
    $qs = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ? "?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] : "";
    // Only necessary if there's more posts than posts-per-page
    if ( $query->found_posts > $query->query_vars["posts_per_page"] ) {
        echo '<ul class="paging">';
        // Previous link?
        if ( $page > 1 ) {
            echo '<li class="previous"><a href="'.$baseURL.'page/'.($page-1).'/'.$qs.'">« Previous page</a></li>';
        // Loop through pages
        for ( $i=1; $i <= $query->max_num_pages; $i++ ) {
            // Current page or linked page?
            if ( $i == $page ) {
                echo '<li class="active"><span>'.$i.'</span></li>';
            } else {
                echo '<li><a href="'.$baseURL.'page/'.$i.'/'.$qs.'">'.$i.'</a></li>';
        // Next link?
        if ( $page < $query->max_num_pages ) {
            echo '<li class="next"><a href="'.$baseURL.'page/'.($page+1).'/'.$qs.'">Next page »</a></li>';
        echo '</ul>';

It takes a query object (your category query) and a base url (your archive page) and generates a pagination. Maybe this works for you.

http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/previous_post_link http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/next_post_link

This is impossible to do as the link only works on categories / archived pages. The link goes to something like URL/category/page/[page#]

Oh well.

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