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asp.net mvc - how to write ajax request in javascript

i would like to update follow div with ajax request written in javascript method.

asp.mvc view:

<div id="feed" onload="GetFeeds()">
            <span id="feeds" runat="server">
                    <%= Model.Feeds %>

what schould i do in javasript?:

<script type="text/javascript">

   // some AJAX Request with 'feed' Update, but HOW??

    function GetFeeds() { 
    // need to call method from HomeModel.cs GetAllFeeds()??
    // or i should to write hole methode here?


it schould work without any controller action. method for FeedUpdating is written in HomeModel.cs / GetAllFeeds() and it works. I need just call it from javascript

如果您不介意,则使用jquery $ .get函数。

Highly recommend using jQuery

   url: 'http://localhost/feeds/feed1',
   dataType: 'json',
   success: function(data) { 
         //Process data
   error: function(error) { }

It does all the heavy lifting for you and is tested on many more browsers than you will be able to test on in your lifetime :)

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