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How to set value in WPF datagridtextcolumn cell when the datagridcombobox cell value is changed?

I am developing an application using WPF 4.0 Datagrid. My Datagrid grid has one datagridcomboboxcolumn and one datagridtextcolumn. How to change the datagrid text cell value using the datagridcomboboxcolumn's SelectedIndex_Changed event?

I recommend using the MVVM approach to creating WPF applications. In general, this means that you'll stop handling discrete events such as SelectedIndex_Changed and instead bind to observable objects in your ViewModel (VM) and/or Model (M).

With this architecture, solving your problem is easy. Simply bind your DataGridComboBoxColumn's SelectedItemBinding to a property on an object of your DataGrid's ItemSource. Then, bind your DataGridTextColumn to that property. This is better explained in code:


<!-- Previous Window XAML omitted, but you must set it's DataContext to the ViewModel -->
    ItemsSource="{Binding People}"
            Header="Selected Name"
            Binding="{Binding Name}"
            Header="Available Names"
            SelectedItemBinding="{Binding Name}"
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
                    <Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding Names}" />
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
                    <Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding Names}" />


internal class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private ObservableCollection<Person> _people;
    public ObservableCollection<Person> People
            _people = _people ?? new ObservableCollection<Person>()
                new Person(),
                new Person(),
                new Person(),

            return _people;


internal class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private static ObservableCollection<string> _names = new ObservableCollection<string>()

    public ObservableCollection<string> Names
        get { return _names; }

    private string _name;
    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
            if (_name != value)
                _name = value;
                this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.Name);

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void RaisePropertyChanged<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expr)
        var memberExpr = expr.Body as MemberExpression;

        if (memberExpr != null)
            var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(memberExpr.Member.Name));
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("'{0}' is not a valid expression", expr));

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