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JavaScript doesn't execute in Safari when loading entire page via jQuery's load() method

I have these two pages:



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <div id="wrap"> </div>

    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script> $(function() { $('#wrap').load('page2.html'); }); </script>



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script> alert('Page 2 HEAD'); </script>
    <p> PAGE 2 </p>
    <script> alert('Page 2 BODY'); </script>

As you can see, I am loading the entire page2.html into the #wrap element of page1.html. Notice, that page2.html contains two SCRIPT elements with alert() function calls - one in the HEAD of the page, and the other one in the BODY of the page.

The issue:

In Firefox 3.9, IE9 beta, Chrome (latest) and Opera 11, both alerts execute. In Safari 5, only the second alert executes.

Is this a Safari bug?

Seems like this is a Safari issue, but maybe not a bug (and may happen in other browsers):

jQuery uses the browser's .innerHTML property to parse the retrieved document and insert it into the current document. During this process, browsers often filter elements from the document such as <html>, <title>, or <head> elements. As a result, the elements retrieved by .load() may not be exactly the same as if the document were retrieved directly by the browser.


I'm guessing that applies to anytime .load() is used, not just when getting fragments. But I think it would be best, since you are pulling content into a <body> element that it not include a <head> tag?

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