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Amazon Instance Ec2 Connection Timeout

I am using Amazon EC2 services & and its working correctly but suddenly from 3-days before when we try to access our instance using ssh connection we got following error:

"ssh: connect to host ec2- - - -***.compute-1.amazonaws.com port **: Connection timed out"

when I try to access our sites deployed on our EC2 instance, I received the same error ,

"The connection has timed out The server at ec2- - - -***.compute-1.amazonaws.com is taking too long to respond"

there is no problem in network connection from our side as we are able to access other web site and services smoothly.

I can't even able to access hosted site without this.

您可以尝试访问系统控制台(通过amazon Web控制台或elasticfox),并检查是否有任何错误/消息可以帮助您找到原因。

I encountered the same problem.

I followed the troubleshooting in http://alestic.com/2010/05/ec2-move-ebs-boot-instance Then when I tried to start a new instance, I got an message from Amazon:

Server.InsufficientInstanceCapacity: We currently do not have sufficient m1.small capacity in the Availability Zone you requested (us-east-1b). Our system will be working on provisioning additional capacity. You can currently get m1.small capacity by not specifying an Availability Zone in your request or choosing us-east-1d, us-east-1c, us-east-1a.

Maybe, you have an instance is us-east-1b, too.

In ~/.ssh/config , add the following lines:

ServerAliveInterval 50

This will keep on pinging the server every 50 seconds to keep the connection alive.

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