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JSF DataTable Select One Row Using Radio Button

I am using JSF 1.1 and I have a ice:datatable with rows getting fetched from backing bean. To select the row for editing I have a radio button for that row. When I select the row using the radio button I am getting the following error.

radio.name is undefined

In my page I am calling the javascript as follows

<h:selectOneRadio styleClass="none" valueChangeListener="#{bean.setSelectedItem}"
                <f:selectItem itemValue="null" />

Any my javascript function

function dataTableSelectOneRadio(radio) {
    var id = radio.name.substring(radio.name.lastIndexOf(':'));
    var el = radio.form.elements;
    for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
        if (el[i].name.substring(el[i].name.lastIndexOf(':')) == id) {
            el[i].checked = false;
    radio.checked = true;

How can I resolve this error?


Apparently IceFaces doesn't generate name attribute for the radio button or doesn't put onclick on the generated <input type="radio"> element. Try using id instead. Replace radio.name in JavaScript code by radio.id . If in vain, you need to check the generated HTML output (open page in browser, rightclick and View Source ) and alter the JS code accordingly.

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